On The Importance Of Sleep

4 min readOct 31, 2021


Sleep is extremely important for our well being as well as our success in day to day life.

Without sleep, we wouldn’t be able to function during the day, feeling depleted of all energy and unable to think clearly and pay attention to the tasks at hand.

Our brain works in two states, focused state, and diffuse state, focused state is like concentration and diffuse state is like daydreaming. That’s when the brain makes new connections and brings different things together to form new knowledge.

It’s probable that sleep imitates the diffuse state, as psychologically it could be said that dreams are like simulation where the brain prepares for dangerous or unnatural situations.

Sleep is essential for student performance, as well as for the work-life, but most importantly. Sleep is vital for your health.

It doesn’t matter if everything else is right in your life, food, health, social life, having a fulfilling life.

Simply if you don’t sleep, your health will be compromised as well although it’s not easily noticeable.

It’s known that a lack of sleep makes you function like a drunk person, which’s the most common cause for car accidents (perhaps for other fields as well).

In my personal opinion, schools should start later because the lack of sleep is bad. Starting school later decreases stress levels too, as you don’t have to hurry as much.

There are more things to life than just school. Everybody should have the permission to enjoy life as well, not to be just an academic drone that does what he’s exactly told all day.

Sleep is the guardian protector of our health, and it’s preventive against many sicknesses.

It’s been well studied that lack of sleep compromises the immune system, and increases the amount of tumors. The immune system is responsible for protection against dangerous and harmful cells, as well as viruses that can make us sick if they run amock.

Students who sleep more get higher grades.

The quality of your sleep is important as well, even though you always can’t sleep as much as you want, say when you’re trying to progress in life by having your own business or taking care of many things, but it’s best to try to get 7+ hours of sleep since at that point you’re much better off health wise.

Sleep is good for your brain, thus it’s good for your intelligence as well. Even though say we can’t increase our socioeconomic status super quickly, we can at least imitate having such by being strict and ruleful over ourselves.

In less harmful terms, taking care that you’ll get good sleep.

There’s a plethora of sleep trackers, it might be a good idea to try one and see if you can change your habits or your life to accommodate better and healthier sleep.

Pay attention to your future. Take care of it. Think about your grandchildren if you will have some, or think about your financial security by not being able to do your job well as you could.

I don’t want to scaremongore you, but your life could potentially go down the drain, even more easily by the lack of responsibility over your sleep.

Our society should allow us to sleep enough, and we shouldn’t feel pressured to give up our sleep for someone else’s cause. It’s our life, not theirs.

One shouldn’t constantly put themselves into a situation where they’ll have a sacrifice of their sleep, their health, and their well-being to accommodate someone elses condition. (Unless you’re saving people, and even then, how can you take care of someone else when you cannot take care of yourself?)

Taking care of your sleep allows you to be more productive, and less stress which thus can increase your salary as well, you learn more things, you’re more creative, you can present better ideas and thus you can also present better work, not to mention you’ll be able to think more clearly about things which will let you become more powerful in your work life.

You will be able to think about your past, present, and future much mroe clearly which will let you make better choices and decisions for yourself and your family.

The world which we live in is highly competitive and there’s a lot of competition for many things, food, sex, work, money.

But we must dearly remember that unless our very basic needs are met we cannot fully function in the world, if not at all. Lack of sleep could be fatal.

It seems to me that health is the most important thing in this world and we shouldn’t live without care for it. We shouldn’t live like it doesn’t matter, when it clearly does. You can look at people who are extremely sleep-deprived and feel lower on the scale of social status, which they probably are.

It’s the same thing when you eat really trash food all the time, and don’t go outside, and just live in a very stressed way.

It’s much better to be someone who keeps on top of things, who takes care of his health, and thus has better chances to succeed in the competition for food, sex, and money than someone who doesn’t.

Sleep is the utmost important thing, and we shouldn’t sacrifice it, we should protect our sleep, and our ability to sleep as it protects our health, our well-being, and our power to be responsible and act sanely in the world we live in.

Don’t do stupid, miserable, pointless things. Don’t become a slave to society, don’t become a slave to social media, don’t become a slave to your own creations.

Flourish in this world, by taking care of your sleep.

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